Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Procrastination . . .

Take Action
BBC – One Life
The hardest thing about reaching your goals is taking that first step, but remember that every great book started with a single word, every great song with a single beat. So whatever you can do, no matter how small, is a start.
Fear of failure
If you don't get an 'A' in your exams it doesn't mean you're a complete failure as a person. See it for what it is i.e. that you're a perfectly ok person who has happened to fail at one particular thing. Try to learn from it and you'll have the strength to accept life's challenges. Don't beat yourself up for not succeeding, that's being unfair to yourself.
What is perfectionism?
* The desire to jump in and do things yourself because others just can't do it right
* Not wanting to start on something unless you're sure you can do it well
* The need to finish the job, and worrying if things are left 'hanging'
Going through life as a perfectionist can damage your self-esteem. That's because the impossibly high demands you make of yourself and others will often result in disappointment. It will also make any rejection you might experience even harder to deal with. Preventing perfectionism begins by saying 'no' to unreasonably high demands. Make sure your goals are realistic and stop focusing on your faults.
Do you put things off?
Find yourself making excuses to get out of doing things? We're all guilty of procrastinating from time to time, but when putting things off interferes with your life, you need to sort it out.
# Know yourself. What style of procrastination do you take? Cleaning your room? Socialising?Reading? Running away? Day dreaming? Keep an eye on yourself and learn tospot the warning signs.
# Get yourself a diary and use it every day. Write down what you are going todo or have already done. Carry it around with you every day, make it a habit.# Plan ahead. Break down tasks into smaller goals, and give these goals deadlines. Write these deadlines into your diary.
# Make a 'to do' list that you write into your diary. Even small, easy-to-dothings could be added to the list. Tick them off as you go along.
# Break things down. Breaking a task down into manageable chunks usuallyremoves the threat of having to do a large task all at once. Also, completingseveral small chunks is going to make you feel a lot more positive than if youfail to finish one large unmanageable one.
# Organise your environment, Pin boards, calendars, an address book - workout what you need and put it in place.
# Fake it! Act as if you are a well-organised non-procrastinator.
Imagine how you would think and behave and you'll pick up the habit.Now that you've faced your fear and stopped putting it off, it's time to start contacting people!

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